10 Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Rates

10 Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Rates

Jul 20, 2021

Auto insurance is both smart and practical as it gives you financial protection in case of damage caused by an accident or a different covered incident. Still, there’s no doubt that it adds to driving expenses. Premiums can vary by hundreds of dollars depending on the company, state, and type of coverage you have. So, ensuring you’re getting the best deal possible is essential.

Considering the current economic crises surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, you must look for ways to reduce your expenses by lowering your auto insurance rates. Here are some strategies to lower auto insurance rates and save money.

1. Find Better Insurance Rates

Get quotes from different companies and compare their issuance plans before purchasing. Auto insurance premiums depend on the car’s price, repair costs, probability of theft, and overall safety. If your policy will renew and the annual premium has gone up distinctly, shop around and get quotes from rival companies to check if there’s a low rate out there. Click Here to get all of your comparison shopping done in one place.

2. Maintain a Clean Driving Record

The most effective way to lower auto insurance rates is to have a clean driving record. Parking tickets, license suspensions, and driving offenses can increase auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies tend to discount clean driving records that are less likely to have accidents and make claims. Be a good driver and avoid traffic citations; you may get a discount for not having an accident for a certain number of years.

3. Complete a Defensive Driving Course

Insurance companies offer discounts for those who have completed an accredited defensive driving course that teaches you essential safety skills. It can also help reduce the points on your license for a better driving record. Ask your insurance agent about the discount before signing up for the course.

4. Take Advantage of Multi-Car Discounts

Purchasing auto insurance for a single vehicle will cost more than insuring multiple vehicles from the same company. If you have two cars, consider insuring them with the same company. Multiple drivers related by blood or marriage residing in the same place or two unrelated people who jointly own the vehicle will be entitled to a discount.

5. Reduce Your Mileage

The annual mileage on your car is a crucial factor in determining how much your premium costs. You can earn low mileage discounts if you drive less than the average miles for your area. When you sign up, the insurance will ask you the mileage of the insured vehicle per year, and your premiums will be based on how many miles you drive. Using public transport will keep you cut on the annual kilometers and keep your auto insurance rates lower.

6. Increase Your Deductibles

Deductibles can be the amount you pay as your share of the cost of a claim before your insurance plan kicks in. The lower the deductibles are, the higher your premiums will be. Increasing your deductibles will help you lower your auto insurance rates significantly. For example, increasing your deductible to $1000 can save you 40% or more. Ask your insurance agent how your premium might be affected by raising the deductible before making any decisions.

7. Improve Your Credit Score

Your credit score is another crucial factor that can help lower insurance rates over time. Drivers with good credit histories are offered favorable premiums that feel more like discounts. Improve your credit score by paying bills before the due date, paying down debt, limiting new credit requests, and ensuring you don’t have any credit hits, inaccurate information, or outstanding debt on your credit history. Click Here if you need help with your credit.

8. Group Affiliation Discounts

Many insurance companies offer special discounts for members of specific groups. For example, military and federal employees (retired or currently serving members) get deals with GEICO. An insurance program called AARP offers discounts for people over 50. Many insurers will ask you about member affiliation when you first sign up, so check if your organization provides any discounts on auto insurance.

9. Take Advantage of Discount Opportunities

Insurance companies generally offer various auto insurance discounts that can drastically lower your auto insurance rates when combined. Some of the most common discounts offered by insurers are:

Safety Feature Discount

If you own a vehicle with safety features such as an anti-theft device and anti-lock brakes, you can avail discount on your annual insurance rates.

Profession-based Discount

You can earn significant discounts if you are a part of a specific profession. Occupational values are based on accident statistics showing that people in certain occupations get into fewer accidents than others.

Good Student Discount

A good student discount is among the best ways for young drivers to lower insurance rates. As a full-time student, you’ll be eligible for a student discount if you maintain at least a B average in school.

Military Discount

If you are retired from the military or currently serving, you’ll be eligible for a military discount on your total insurance premium.

10. Stay at Home Discount

Another great way to lower auto insurance rates is by staying home and driving less frequently. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown orders popping up in early 2020, people started going less, prompting many insurers to issue refunds and discounts to their clients. Tell your insurer that you’re working from home to get deals to lower your auto insurance rates.

Extra Tip: Downsize Your Vehicle

Buying a big vehicle may sound exciting, but it can be much more expensive than insuring a small car. Downsizing your truck is a way to lower your auto insurance rates, monthly payments, and fuel consumption. Some insurance companies offer special discounts on hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles. Research the deals on different vehicles before making a purchase.